Artist Royalties

How can I get my royalties?

A lot of artist royalties get missing over the years. Here at The Black Nest Music Group, we do our best to make sure we pay all of our artists their owed royalties. 

We have other labels we use to control which have become dormant now. The labels we use to control are Round One Recordings, Asteroid Recordings and Audio Grind Recordings. If you believe you are entitled to an accounting, please reach out to with your legal name, artist name and release title. 

Take Down

When you request for your artist royalties, we will initiate a take down. This will take down your release and or others you have with the labels we use to control. We do this process because those labels are no longer in operation. Once your release is fully taken down you automatically obtain 100% of your release, we do this at no cost and pay you your earned royalties.